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Free VPN Software Download

Test our service!

Use test access for 24 hours and evaluate the operation of all functionality. To continue working with the service, use a paid subscription.

Guaranteed confidentiality of your data.
No spam!

We accept almost everything for payment:

Have any questions or were unable to use test access?

Write to support. The answer usually takes from 5 minutes up to one hour, but there are exceptions.

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  • Are you the head of a blog, magazine or website? Post information about us on your resource.
  • Are there any interesting offers for cooperation? Contact us and we will discuss it.
  • You can also write an interesting review about us and provide us with a link.

Try the AltVPN Free trial for 24 hours

Looking for a free VPN? Every active user wants it. If you value the confidentiality and security of your data and information transmitted over the network, you need to trust a reliable provider. A VPN with a free trial period from AltVPN is the best option, because it allows you to test the service in practice and see its excellent functionality. You will be able to make an informed decision about purchasing a subscription and continuing to use the service to access any website.

Benefits of a Paid App

Not everyone understands why you need to download a VPN with a free trial period if there is a version that you don't have to pay for. However, there is a difference. The paid version is a guarantee of security and maximum confidentiality. Protecting your personal space is a real necessity. The reason is simple - people are constantly being tracked through addresses, cameras and other data that is open. The service we offer will allow you to feel secure when connecting to any public access point.

There are many advantages that you can appreciate if you download a VPN with a trial period from our company:

  • Large number of servers and excellent speed. We offer equipment in both our country and other countries.
  • Opening of incoming ports. This is useful if you plan to launch a game server and connect other players to it.
  • Access to PlayStation Network. Full access to Xbox Live and PSN is offered with a game console.
  • Lease of dedicated IP addresses. We guarantee that you will not be blacklisted due to someone else's fault. Captcha input on portals is much less frequent.
  • Five simultaneous connections. As a result, you can easily protect all your devices without any additional costs.
  • Any application will be available. All online programs, including email clients and internet calls, will work fully.
  • In other words, a VPN without registration is convenient and profitable for every user of PC and other devices. Data security is guaranteed, as well as free connection to websites.

How to Get a Trial Period?

Getting a free VPN for a trial day is easy. To do this, enter your email in the specified field and click on the "Send Code" button. Detailed instructions will be sent to your email. The letter will contain a code that you need to use to launch the application. We guarantee no spam and the safety of your data.

There are no special conditions or requirements for the user. The duration of this version is 24 hours. After that, the trial period will end. To continue using the program, you will need to pay for a subscription.

If you decide to download a VPN, you have made the right decision. Now your data will be under reliable protection. You will have free access to any websites of your choice. We guarantee good traffic, no restrictions, and flawless work with Windows. If you are not satisfied, we will refund your money. Choose a secure internet with a virtual service and enjoy speed and access to all websites.