Your IP:
Your ISP:, Inc., US

Terms of use

Service and products are provided by Altvpn Inc. On the principle of "as it is." Altvpn Inc. Not brings any responsibility for causing or the possibility of harm to the user, his information or business due to the use or impossibility of using the service. the received access code (test or paid) to the use of Altvpn service products inc. It is confidential information and cannot be spread. In case of violation of the rules use, the service reserves the right to unilaterally stop maintenance client without the possibility of recovery.

Our servers are not allowed:

  • Fraud, hacking, insults, threats and slander
  • Phishing site creation
  • Spam (including spam on forums, sites, blogs), any activity that can bring to the IP address of the server in Blacklists (, SpamHaus, StopForumSpam, SpamCop etc.)
  • Hacking sites and finding their vulnerabilities (including sql-inj)
  • Sending and mailing emails from public VPN servers is prohibited to prevent spam, as this can result in our servers being blacklisted. However, by acquiring a dedicated IP address, which can be selected during payment or requested through customer support, these restrictions are lifted. In this case, you will be able to freely use port 25 for email sending and other tasks.
  • Distribution of harmful programs (viruses, Troyanov and all that can affect work Software)
  • Password selection (brute force), port scanning and vulnerability
  • Violation of the laws of the country in which the server is located, to which you are connected
  • In order to combat fraud against our proxy servers, access to popular payment systems and online bankings is prohibited.

When committing unlawful actions, you carry full personal, administrative and criminal responsibility for all actions and their consequences.

When registering, you will automatically be signed for our newsletter, but you can always unsubscribe, writing to us in support. We are grateful for the honest use of our service. On The moment of publication (April 20, 2015) you automatically accept the service rules when pressing buttons ("buy"), as well as undertake to observe the regulations for using our services.